Monday, July 13, 2009

Quiet and uneventful

Summer here has been pretty mellow. The kids have been having fun with their friends going to the Colorado river and Lake Havasu with their friends and just hanging out enjoying not being in school.

Our 4th of July was nice and relaxing. Will always miss Spicer and Green lake on the 4th. Justin worked and Keirstan was out with friends. Dennis and I had an ice cream and watched the fireworks together.

Dennis and I are adjusting to the kids being older and out of the house a lot. Their need from us lately has been money, food and shelter and not even money from Justin. I guess with them getting older means we are getting older as well, so were learning how to not be needed so much by the kids. Dennis seems to be rolling with it pretty well, me? not so much. I miss my kids not needing me so much, and coming home to a quiet house is an adjustment as well.

Justin went to Phoenix about two weeks ago with a friend to some all day concert event with different bands, on the way there his friends car broke down, they handled it very well and I didn't even know about it until they were already safe and sound again. I guess my little boy is almost an adult.

Keirstan and I are planning a girls weekend away to do some shopping and girl time. I can't wait! It should be fun.

The weather here has really heated up! Tonight at 8:30 it was still 93 degrees. During the day we have been getting up to 110. It is definitely summer in Arizona!
I have been getting up earlier for work than usual since it gets so hot out during the day that it is still too warm to walk the dogs in the evening so 6 a.m. we are up and out for a walk. It is usually nice and even a little bit of a cool breeze at times.

Hope everyone is having a nice safe summer!

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