Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy 40th Birthday to my child like husband

Today Dennis turns 40 years old. You would surely never guess that since he still acts like a BIG KID! Last night the kids and I celebrated his Birthday. The kids had some of their friends over for food and fun. Justins friends just love to get Dennis to do crazy things and yes they did succeed! Keirstans Boyfriend attends the other high school in town and of course that just drives Justin and his buddies crazy so Dennis was able to show Justin and his friends some old pranks that he did as a teenager. I have come to the conclusion that my husband just may never growup! Dennis with his Birthday cake & acting like an old man with no teeth
Justins bestfriend created the 40 for Dennis cake & yes Logan did eat the onion ring frosting & all!

Dennis playing basketball with the kids.
OTHER NEWS............
There was not a football game this week the Tigers had a bye this week and that was a good thing, quite a few of the players have had injuries and have been sick with that nasty virus going around.
Homecoming week for our high school is the week of the 12th so the kids are working on their homecoming parade floats for their grades.
Justin and his girlfriend Tiffany were chosen by the junior class to be the Princess and Prince for the junior class. Tiffany is so excited!
Keirstan has had some ups and downs lately with handling being in high school, she is so new to all the teenage drama and the dating world. BUT, she does have a new fella in her life his name is Jordan, he does go to the "other" school in town so she has been getting some grief from her Brother and friends. Jordans homecoming is Saturday the 10th and he has invited Keirstan to attend with him and then she will be taking him to hers the following week. So, today we are going shopping for the perfect homecoming dress. At least it will get woren more than once. Anybody that knows her Daddy knows that he likes to get his moneys worth!
Our little girl is growing up! (sniffle,sniffle tears)

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